Sunday, July 13, 2014

Super Moon

The Super Moon was covered by a hazy sheet of clouds last night.  I saw the glow on the tips of the pines on the ridge at 9:24 and waited for the show.  I was busy with feeding and watering and checked a few minutes later.  Not as brilliant as the night before but still beautiful and more golden.  I have the perfect vista for moon viewing, with this dramatic piney ridge lining the farm to the east.  When the moon gets higher up the tops of my silos glow so beautifully, reflecting the light from above.  I can climb the hill, sit on the grass and take in the breathtaking view.  I thought I might be a bit freaked out by the previous night's visit from Lydia, but I was surprisingly calm and content.  I don't think she meant to scare me.  I was more like, well, it's finally happened.  I can't be afraid of my own barn, it's so much a part of my life.  I picked another fleece, must have been Margot's or Margareta's, and got it into two big pots of Electric Blue.  It is a Dharma color, and a lot like the Cobalt Blue which was discontinued by Jacquard.  The citric acid mordant made the wool soak the color in so nicely.  I'm looking forward to getting it on the drying rack today.  After the woman  squealed with delight and skipped over to my Gecko Messenger bag yesterday I am anxious to sew the one cut out and waiting on the machine.  I have a new Wensleydale ram waiting for me in Vestal and would like to get him over here.  I have to keep him separate from the sheep but allow the girls to see him for 17 days.  The ovaries will be stimulated and produce eggs which will result in multiple lambs.  Multiples are easier for the sheep to give birth to as they are smaller.  Keeping multiples alive can be more work for the shepherd but the sheep come first.  I should have my new-to-me vehicle week after next.  I'll keep the old bucket of bolts for farm work.  The Honda is lower to the ground and will be easier to load sheep, etc.  Spouse is on his way to Buffalo to teach weatherization for a week.  Don't think his foot is up to it but off he goes.   He went to Bassett last week and the surgeon eluded to the possibility of more surgery.  The drama goes on and on.  I'm enjoying the wild flowers on the hillside.  They are so beautiful and plentiful as the fields have not been mowed yet...another thing to worry about...but not right now.

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