Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday Morning Musings

I thoroughly enjoyed the market yesterday.  The weather was perfect, and we got there at a decent time.  The traffic was not heavy, but a few old friends stopped by to say hello.  Funny, when I got set up and sat down behind my table I felt a real sense of peace.  I'm away from the farm so I can't see the chores I should be doing.  I'm not in my classroom hopping around getting ready for the kids coming in off the buses.  I was actually surprised when people started stopping at my booth.  Spouse came home from Buffalo Friday night, limping in heading for the sofa.  His wound is healed but there is still infection or some kind of damage in his foot.  It's still red and swollen looking remarkably different than the other foot.  He's going back to Bassett in Cooperstown to see the surgeon who SHOULD have operated on his foot, but who got tired of waiting for the pre-surgical prep to get done and went home, giving the operation to another surgeon.  What kind of hospital does this?  Don't get me started!  The morning went by and I walked around the market visiting with Candace Cain and others who I enjoy seeing on market days.  I'm making woolen dryer balls for Christy Abduhl and will be rewarded with one of her artsy tie-dyed tee shirt.  My large Gecko Bundaflicka Knitting Tote was on display but there were no bag ladies at the market yesterday.  That's okay, it really dressed up the booth.  I chatted with my booth neighbors and admired the incredibly beautiful pottery on display by Chris Pettingill, a ceramics professor at SUNY Oneonta.   I am such a sucker for pottery.  "Clay pots - so fiberesque," my Mia would say.  I was able to pick up what I needed for the farm at Tractor Supply, and some cod and salmon for us.  On deck for today - lots to do on the farm.  There always is.  I'm still dyeing wool and am down to my last few white fleeces.  Too bad, as I have a box of dyes I'm itching to use.  I never have enough white wool.  The remedy for that problem?  More sheep!

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