Monday, July 28, 2014

New York Blueberries

As I was taking down some art in the hall at school my friend, TJ Potter, said "the blueberries are here!"  Well, the mention of blueberries got my attention pronto.  It seems a friend of a school employee, and a relative of another (that's how it is up here in the mountains) raises blueberries and brings them to school to sell.  I dropped what I was doing and found the pickup outside with a crowd around it.  How could I have missed this epic event?  The blueberries were plump and beautiful.  When no one was looking I sneaked one and popped it in my mouth.  It burst open with sweetness and lit up my senses.  Alas, she had only brought enough for previous orders.  I asked if I could place an order for ten quarts - what was I thinking - and she said yes.  Sure enough, a big sack of boxes was by my desk this morning.  I ate one quart on the way home, and another after dinner.  I got all my pots and jars ready to can the rest.  The cool, rainy weather was perfect for all the required boiling of jars, simmering of crushed berries, and boiling of filled jars.   I got the syrupy essence poured after chores, and just turned off the canning pot now, 10:45.  The house smells divine and my head is swimming from all the hot blueberry jam I've tasted.  I just happen to have a quart of vanilla bean ice cream that was begging to be melted by hot jam.  I will sleep a fat and happy sleep tonight.

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