Wednesday, June 11, 2014


It's been raining most of the day.  It was a hectic one for me, having overslept until 7:30, which gave me about 20 minutes to mix pig slop, feed/water chickens and ducks, feed the cats and walk the dogs.  Oh, and get myself clean and presentable for school.  Oh, and drink enough coffee to get the wheels in my head turning.  My cell phone alarm went off but I didn't hear it.  Spouse is coming home from the hospital today, after a four day stay during which time they operated on his infected foot and grew cultures to find out what antibiotics would prevent it from coming back.  I've been managing okay on the farm, but it helps to have an extra pair of hands.  This rainy weather certainly makes the grass grow.  The path we take up to the farm is grown over with a thick carpet of clover covered with various grasses and wild flowers.  The sheep have a lush salad available to them and I am thoroughly enjoying it.  Unfortunately, the thistle debacle has raised it's ugly head, and must be dealt with.  I'm hoping spouse will mow them down with his tractor, but I don't know if he can drive it with the foot.  I might have to do it myself.  I have to get those thistles cut before they flower and send seeds hither and yon.   I have two dye pots cooled down filled with Marcellus' (Markie-Mark's) lovely fleece.  His mother was my dearly departed Rambouillet ewe, Miss Mamie, and father, the amiable Zack, a Border Leicester ram.  The fleece is very soft and fills two giant pots, crammed full.  I'm using Jacquard's "Sunflower,"  my favorite yellow.  I'm going to have some lovely wool for fall shows.  All I need is time, plentiful water, my pots, a stove, a washing machine, a drying rack, and sun - lots of glorious sun.

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