Sunday, June 01, 2014


The sheep and goats have so much to eat they don't know what to do with themselves.  I'm trying to keep them off the top field so we can turn that into hay.  It gives us a good excuse to hike up there and chase them back down to where they have plenty to eat.  Reba has taken over for Izzy as the main sheep dog.  I say "get them up" and Reba knows what to do.  Their long fleeces undulate as they head down the hill.  I am hopeful for a good hay harvest this year.  Julia, my dairy farmer friend, is on deck with a new tractor and baler.  With all this rain and heat we're looking good.  I figure I need 60 or so round bales to make it through.  Fingers crossed.  My grandmother used to say farmers are the biggest gamblers in the world.  Yes, we are.

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