Sunday, June 22, 2014

Carol's Shetland

Carol Crayonbox brought some fabulous Shetland fleeces from her shepherd friend, John Steffans, of Ithaca, to the Central New York Fiber Festival.  She helped John when Jim Baldwin sheared the flock a month or so ago.  My "code" only allows me to buy wool from shepherds who I know take good care of their sheep.  Since these Shetland fleeces were so clean and pretty, and so well-priced, I thought I would take home a couple.  The wool is not as soft as Bluefaced Leicester, but it is long and beautiful.  I brought home the tie-dye liquid from school and used it on this fleece.  The variegated colors - Honey Mustard and Pink Orchid by Jacquard - came out very nice.  I think I will blend it with my mustard BFL and see what happens.  This is fiber art.

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