Sunday, June 15, 2014

Bouckville Festival

I'm sipping a very large cup of very strong Multatelli coffee before we go back to the Central New York Fiber Festival.  I am very happy with the way the festival is growing.  We definitely had more people come through the gate this year.  We are very lucky with the weather.  After two days of heavy rain the tents kept the water out and the grounds are firm.  No patrons got stuck in the mud yesterday.  I sold some raw fleeces, which is very gratifying to me considering the fleece sale had a hefty number of entries.  If mine were shorn and skirted in time I certainly would have availed myself of that service.  My coffee-for-vendors was well received and I filled the big pot three times.  Kim had a ball, as usual, and sold a few skeins of her gorgeous art yarn.  I love to give her fiber as I see it spun up in the basket at the next show.  She makes me look so good.  We would have loved to spend the night at the fairgrounds and babysit the sheep as we did last year, but spouse is still not good and we had to return to the farm for chores.  We did our pond walk in the pitch black dark to put Lindsay's gift to me, a bag of baby gold fish, into the pond.  Thank you Lindsay!  The grass is knee high after all this rain.  I think it's time to call Julia to cut it.  We were back up there last night to gaze at the water and play with the dogs.  The goat herd was keeping their distance.  Kim and I got a couple of goats clipped Friday night, including a feisty doe who kept trying to bite me the whole time I worked on her.  She feels much better now with her summer hair cut.  I'm sure she told the others to stay back.   I picked and skirted a couple of black fleeces last night while we watched Penny Dreadful on the tellie.  I'll bring them to the festival today.  I won't mind if they don't sell - they are sooo beautiful.  Better get this show on the road.  I have Pavarotti on and he's really stirred the blood.  Fingers crossed for big crowds and happy patrons.

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