Friday, May 16, 2014

Woolie Kitties

This old tom was enjoying the wool I put out to dry yesterday.  It was so windy I had to cover the wool with a fence panel to keep it from flying away.  Tom doesn't mind at all.  I'm working on a big run and was enjoying the warmth and sunshine for drying wool outside.  I had a gigantic bag of black Bluefaced Leicester in the corner of the room all winter, ignoring it for unknown reasons.  Well, I checked it out and it is the most delightful, fine, clean fleece with just a touch of sunburned tips. It took three tubs to get it clean and three big pots to fit it on the dye stove.  I will blend the colorful mohair with it for an interesting, soft and strong blend.  I have a space inside for drying wool, but outside is so much better and so much nicer for the kitties.

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