Saturday, May 17, 2014

On the Seventh Day...

Back from the farmer's market and I'm ready for a day of rest.  A day of rest for me is a day of working on the farm.  It doesn't feel like work when it's farm work.  A six day week of school,and then market, is a bit of a drag on my energy, even though I get to do amazing things with my art classes.  The weather cleared up nicely around nine am, but the torrential rain yesterday kept us from loading up properly last night.  We had to transfer tables, racks and goods from the trailer (miraculously, it did not leak in the day-long downpour) to the Blazer AKA Bucket of Bolts this morning, with one eye on the cloudy sky.  The bumper ripped off as we pulled in the driveway from the market last week and we could not pull a trailer to the market this week.  We did okay, but it took some doing, then hauled it over there and set up the shop.  It is Colgate Graduation Weekend and traffic is usually good, but it can go either way.  Today was more the other way.  There are now about a dozen soap makers in the market now, including a teacher from my school who was downsized.  Fortunately I make a variety of things and my main focus is wool.  There is another shepherd at the market with her own wool, and frozen lamb, and she also makes soap.  I always have fun, chatting with my market friends, catching up with Candace, Susanne Farrington, Chris the Roller Derby Queen, and various acquaintances.  I can't help but think of all the work I should be doing at home on the farm.  I spin wool so I'm still being productive at the market.  It helps to pull people into the booth.  I'm down to five Bundaflicka Knitting Totes and need to hit the machine.  I would LOVE to spend more time sewing so that's not a problem.   I hope to cut out some totes tomorrow.  Matt will be working on the truck.  We picked up parts for a broken wheel bearing and worn out brakes.    As soon as I got home I let the sheep out to graze.  They are overjoyed to be out on the green grass, and I am thrilled for them - and me.

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