Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mo' Mohair

I clipped another wether goat kid last night and picked the mohair outside on the steps today.  The weather turned glorious after a cool, cloudy morning.  The kitties gathered around me and rubbed heads all over me as I worked.  Some climbed in the bin and napped as I pulled apart the felted locks and picked out all the dirt and hay.  I thought about how I was doing the same thing women have done on the steppes of Asia for thousands of years.  I left a little in the bin for the kitties and put the rest in a dye pot - blood orange.  It will be blended with a lot of deep midnight blue Bluefaced Leicester wool, and other mohair fleeces dyed gold, fuschia and green.   I'm easily bored with roving that is monochromatic and uninteresting.  I like to take it out in the sun and see many streams of color running through it.

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