Friday, May 23, 2014

Misty Walk

I love cool, misty, spring weather and today was perfect.  The first thing I do when I get home from work - after closing my eyes for a few minutes in the car before I get out - is let the sheep out of the barnyard to graze.  Wouldn't you know, with the hillside covered in lush, green grass, the entire flock made a beeline to the upper field where my first cut is starting to look good.  It took us ten minutes to hike up there, as fast as we could, and chase them back down to where they have plenty of food and we don't mow at all.  Izzy seemed to forget what "Get 'em up" means but Reba remembered and did the job.  On the way back down we enjoyed many lovely scenes of sheep grazing, goats jumping up to trim the branches of small trees, and dogs having fun after being locked up all day.  Surprisingly, the pigs stayed in the barn, napping I suppose.  Pigs are great nappers.  After a long work week I was ready for a nap myself.  It's Friday and I can scarcely believe it.  I have to say, I'm amazed at how well I get myself to work.  With everything I have going on here, more than most have to deal with, even those with human kids, I have pretty good attendance.  If I can stand up I show up.  There were a few people out today, getting a jump on the long weekend.  Not me.  I like to be in school on the eve of a holiday.  There's a happy spirit among the staff and kids, and we sometimes show movies (educational movies, of course) and have treats.  Today Gretchen ordered out for Chinese and I showed the kids some Monty Python and the Holy Grail for my Global Class who is studying Medieval History.  Not sure they understood the humor, but they loved the flying cow.

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