Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day Musings

They are gone but not forgotten.  I'm so proud of my own two soldier sons and thankful I did not lose them to the last two senseless wars waged by my government.  I didn't vote for either of the war mongers who sent our sons and daughters to die for oil, but I still mourn for them all.  It's a beautiful thing to offer up your life for your country in a worthy cause.  Eric joined the Army at age 17.  I'll never forget the day the recruiter knocked on the door and said, "sign here, your son joined the Army."  Now he is still serving our country, as head of the Boy Scout Pine Tree Council in Portland, Maine.   AJ signed up after 9-11 so he could protect Yankee Stadium from terrorists.  Six weeks later he was at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in a hut with 30 Spanish speaking guys from New Jersey.  Now he is Active Duty Army, a Chaplain and a Captain, stationed at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma.  My boys are continuing a long, proud history of service in my family, including my mother and her three siblings who all served in WWII in various theaters of operations.  My mother's people go all the way back to service in the Colonial Wars, pre-Revolution.  Putting down the plowshare and picking up the sword is in our DNA...and so is farming.  I spent so much time on wool work this weekend I hardly got anything done on my list.  I made a fabulous dinner for myself last night with leftovers in the fridge.  A little chicken breast, broccoli and onions and what a feast.  God Bless America.

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