Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Maryland 2014

Maryland Sheep and Wool 2014 did not disappoint.   Many weeks of hard work were loaded up into my cargo trailer and hauled south on routes 88, 81 and 70, all the way to the Howard County Fairgrounds.  We stopped an hour short of the festival at a Motel 6 to wrap a ton of soap, one last shower, and a good night's rest before setting up at the show.  The weather was lovely, with blooming red bud trees and dogwoods decorating the roadside.  We pulled in and became part of the traffic jam trying to get into the Main Exhibition Hall.   Kim and I hiked our booth set up and products in and set up in the fantastic primo spot assigned to me.  I missed our spot in the Farm and Garden building but not for long.  I have maximum exposure and lots of natural light in the new space. Kim had some cool new banners made for me and the booth came together nicely.  We worked all day then took a break for the vendor dinner which is included in the booth fee.  I'm not one to pass up free food and I like to see all the peeps.  We went back to the booth and worked until they kicked us out at 9 pm.  I like watching the Susan's Fiber Shop crew going nuts trying to get out the thousands of pieces they display in their triple space set-up.   I marvel at how Susan hauls it all from Wisconsin with half a dozen workers in tow.  I kind of like the way I do it, making everything myself and getting it all in one spot.  Two spaces would be nice, but one works out fine.  There was just enough footage for me to pull in my bag rack and sit my spinning wheel outside for demonstrating.   People love to watch hand spinning and would park their strollers in front of me for kiddie entertainment.  We set up our bed in the back of the cargo trailer and wrapped some more soap.  It was dark and quiet and we quickly gave in to the sleep that we would need to work the booth all day Saturday.

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