Wednesday, May 14, 2014


It seems we went from cold to hot in a flash.  We've had 85 degree days all week, with a rolling thunderstorm last night that had the White Boys protesting loudly.  They are living outside now that the sheep are out and they hate thunderstorms.  The inside dogs are lucky.  They get to hunker down under the covers with Mommy.  The Big Brave White Boys have to dog-up and stay outside.  Okay, I confess if I know a bad storm is coming, and I haven't gone to bed yet, I let them in the barn.  After all, I am the Jewish mother of dogs.  A big rain is coming day after tomorrow.  With this heat and rain the grass will be fantastic.  I just might get a first and second cut this year.  Julia called about helping me get my barn cleaned out.  What a good farmer friend she is to me.  She says I need to fertilize the top field to get more hay.  I've got the poop and she's got the equipment.  Today was the annual roller skating trip to Interskate 88 in Oneonta.  The kids were great and had a fabulous time.  Our sister BOCES in Masonville joined us and I was able to say hello to some colleagues who used to be in my building.  I left the skates off this year and volunteered to do the challenging job of watching kids and staff's bags.  I knitted on my socks a bit and had quite a few curiousity seekers.  I brought big needles and bulky yarn in case somebody asked for lessons, but no takers.  That was fine with me as I was chatting with friends and knitting.  Oh, wow, I just heard on the news that Chobani corporate headquarters, near my school in Norwich, is moving to Delaware.  The factory will remain in NY, five miles away from my farm.  Leave it to New York to drive business away, but, come on, how many more billions do they want to make?   I know people who work at the corporate headquarters.  Too bad.  I feel secure in my job, so far, but one never knows.  In the meantime I keep my sheep and spin their wool.  I feel very fortunate that, in a precarious economy, people still love to play with wool.  Wool is the Mother of All Fibers.

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