Monday, April 28, 2014


I'm on my way home to take care of the animals and get started on a new batch of Shepherd's Friend Hand Crème.  I'm liking the way it came out, on the heavy side, but emollient and soaking in nicely.  Every batch is people-tested, like on me, and my two faithful friends in the Special Ed office who I rely on for feedback.  Dare I tell the truth....the only thing I measure is the beeswax.  Everything else, the shea butter, the jojoba, the vitamin e, the apricot kernel oil, the sweet almond oil, the grapeseed oil, the lavender essential oil, is done by eyeball.  It is a tricky process, and one that's hard to write down.  I'm still going to do a tutorial one of these days.  In the meantime, I'm looking for boxes to pack all this hand crème in for the trip to Maryland Sheep and Wool this weekend. 

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