Wednesday, March 19, 2014


The snow is  melted enough for us to walk up the big hill to the pond.  What a joy for me and the doggies.  The cool, crisp air and the crunch of the snow underneath is lovely.  I call it my "spa treat."  After being locked inside all day the dogs are able to play and do all their business before we go back inside.  It's still cold, 28-30, but considering yesterday it was 2 degrees above zero when I left for work, this is balmy.  I got back down to the barn in time to get a picture of the latest finished tote outside in the natural light.  I have many bags in various states of completion.  Sewing makes me happy.  I am truly blessed with crafts that I enjoy making and using.  Lately I'm carrying a "vintage" Bundaflicka tote, one that I made while living in the little cabin in the wilds of Western New Jersey right after I left Morristown.   I found it the other day, full of odd things that acted like a time capsule when opened.  It is a lovely cranberry red with medieval stags all over it.  I remember buying the fabric at a fancy decorator shop on the Main St. of Flemington.  I put large pockets on the inside and all around the outside, kind of overkill with the pricey, high-end fabric.  I don't like the choice of fabric lining, but I was in my Bundaflicka Knitting Tote infancy.   Wish I could find more of that fabric and thought of calling the shop, but it was almost 15 years ago since I bought it and they might think I was a bit dotty.  Anyway, three totes are ready to take to Maryland and many are in the pipeline.  I have to stay focused and organized.  Really?  Me?

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