Saturday, March 01, 2014

March 1

I'm beginning to see the light at the end of this long, cold winter.  I really don't mind it too much, but taking care of the animals, pets and livestock, is so much harder.  No more grazing on God's green grass and drinking out of the pond.  I have to provide them with everything they need.  I have hay to last until May 1.  Have to make some calls today to get in the round bales I'll need to get through until I can let them out to graze.  They line up at the gate at the first sign of the greening of the hillside, but I can't let them out right away.  My barnyard fencing is so rickety they could knock it down, but they are good sheep and wait for the six inches or so I like to see before letting the girls loose.  I am enjoying the close relationship I have with the flock over the winter.  We interact much more closely than we do in summer, when I might not see Lilly for days and days.  We are still having sustained stretches of very cold temps.  Another storm is going to hit south of us.  Mia and AJ will have more snow in Morristown, where I was last weekend, enjoying very balmy temperatures.  Glad I was able to travel there for their birthday.  Big news - Captain AJ, AKA Chaplain Father Aaron, has received his active duty Army post.  They assigned him to the base of US Army Intelligence - Fort Huachaca - in Arizona, near the Mexican border.  He is very pleased.  Active duty assignments are very hard to get.  AJ has to report to his new base in May.  In the meantime he'll stay with Mia in New Jersey, dabble in local politics, and make Episcopal Church connections.  I'm hoping he'll come to the farm and spend some time here.  I have some jobs I could use a hand with.  I applied for a coveted summer school slot this year.  I need fencing and wood for projects inside.   I got one last year but turned it down when Hannah and Luke wanted to come to the farm in the summer.  I don't think I'll see them here this summer.  Hannah doesn't like the farm anymore and they are both busy with BSA activities at Camp Hinds in Maine.  I knew the time would come when they would outgrow the farm.  No other grand kids coming up the line.  Better go hug a sheep, or a goat, or a pig, or a duck, or a chicken, or a dog, or a cat, or a bunny.  That's about it for species and I guess that's plenty.  I'll busy myself with getting ready for Maryland Sheep and Wool, which is eight short weeks away.   Yikes, I'm hardly ready.  Somehow I make it happen.  I don't know how.  My camera died, probably from carrying it in the Cradle of Civilization around the farm.  Mia gave me her Canon point and shoot, but he lost the charger.  I was okay until it flashed charge the battery.  No luck in Radio Shack.   Spouse went out and bought a charging apparatus but it was the wrong fit.  I matched the model numbers to a charger on Amazon, waited two weeks for it to come and it doesn't fit.   Most of this weekend will be spent on chores, some sewing, and writing student education plans, due Monday, of course.  Some good news - Julia, my dairy farmer neighbor called and will do my hay again this year.  She has new equipment and is ready to go.  She has a neighbor who has round bales for sale.  What a relief to know I have enough hay to feed my animals.  Better get out to chores and talk to the piggies, who are very feisty and handsome girls.

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