Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Sharon told me it was 55 F. outside before I walked out the door.  The weather is absolutely glorious, with only a sweater needed to go out with the doggies once I made it home.  Stopped at the New Berlin post to  get some packages off.   I got four packed and mailed for $31, Priority Mail, with two of them on the larger size.  Can't beat it.  They even provide the boxes. One order went to Sidney, which is 40 miles south of here, and cost $7.50 to ship.  I don't think I could have hand delivered it for that money.  Not with gas at $3.81 a gallon and not in the bucket of bolts.   I had a customer complain bitterly about the price of shipping my creme.  I told her I have to pay to get supplies shipped to me and I sympathize with her, but what can I do?   I threw in a surprise for her to ease the pain.  I wonder if she orders anything from Ebay or Amazon?  I don't like when they add a "packing charge" of $3 in addition to shipping and handling.  Wouldn't packing be handling?  I don't know how they get away with it, but I keep buying from them and that's how they get away with it
.  I had to get out early for a before-school meeting in Norwich High School.  It was short and I got back to my school before the kids came in.  Still have to catch up from the time change.  Wouldn't it be nice if we had a snow day tomorrow?  A big storm is forecast, which is hard to believe with this lovely weather.  6 - 10 for my area.   I love the snow, but not when I'm stuck in my classroom, watching it come down and wondering how I'll get back to the farm.  Poor Matt, driving home from Syracuse on his birthday in that tiny little Saturn.  Not fun.  Truth be told I'm not up for dealing with commuting in this storm.  We'll see what the morning brings.

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