Saturday, February 01, 2014

Warming Trend

It's in the thirties today, absolutely sublime.  I pulled in the driveway yesterday after work and was not reluctant to open the door and get out of my vehicle.  The air smelled a tad like spring, or is that wishful thinking?  The ice in the water buckets is still freezing at night, but thawing a little during the day.  Work was good yesterday, with many kids out for conference day in their respective districts.  My Chinese New Year parade with two elementary classes went fantastically.  Fawn and I scrambled to get the two sides of the big dragon head glued together before the kids got off the buses.  I tried the long striped fabric tube on her to cut the head holes.  The noisemakers and masks we made all week were ready.  The kids came in and everybody was fantastic about climbing in the tube one by one.  We marched around the school shaking our noisemakers to welcome in the Year of the Horse.  There are times I am having so much fun I can't believe I'm getting paid for it.  This was one of them.  Home on the farm Saturday morning.  The kid I had working with me last week was a no show when I went into town to pick him up.  Called mom who said he spent the night with a friend and he had not asked her for a ride to where we meet.  Bummer.  I'm trying to save a life.  Not always easy but nobody said it would be.  I'm going about my chores, chumming with my critter friends who are all so cute and wonderful, and will do some sewing this afternoon.  Sewing always makes me feel good.  I took a walk to the back of the barn that I never see during the week.  The barn is 240 feet long, with an extension that opens up in the East End.  I found some duck eggs back there and saw the two shy Swedish Blues.  Now I know where they hang out.  I bet if I put some nesting boxes back there I'll get some eggs in them, maybe ducklings in the spring.  Love those ducklings.  The principal suggested I hatch some eggs in the classroom.  Wouldn't that be wonderful for the kids.  Might be a bit stinky and what to do with them on weekends?  Much to consider, but good to know he likes the idea.  I have some lovely fleeces growing on those sheep.  One ewe is hobbled by an old square bale cord.  Have to get spouse to help me catch her.  Hate those cords.  No more - the round bales have a netting around them which is discarded when we roll out a new one.  I admit it was convenient to have those old cords around when I needed to tie panels together,etc.  Will invest in rubber truck straps.  The piggies are growing bigger and bigger. They are so cute but soon they will be big enough to crash through gates and make nuisances of themselves.  Makes it easier to say goodbye to them.  I have to call Miss Tammy and make an appointment, then buy another freezer and line up some piglets to ease the pain of losing Scarlet and Sue Ellen.  I know pigs are in my DNA.  Not a surprise since I come from a long line of Southern hog farmers on my mother's side.    Love those piggies...

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