Saturday, February 08, 2014

Fur Ball Tonight

Very much enjoyed the opening ceremony to the Winter Olympics last night.  I loved the historical narrative and stunning visual effects.  I took Russian Revolution in graduate school and it is daunting.  I thought the little girl tip-toeing through Russia's history was fascinating and beautiful.  The ballet, the ball room, the train, the flame, I loved it.  There is something ethereal about the Olympics that transcends politics no matter how much people try to interject their agendas into it.  It's all about the athletes and the host country doing their best to make the games happen.  And I love the Ralph Lauren sweaters worn by the US team!!  Stars and Stripes forever!   No Olympics tonight as we are going to the tenth annual Valentine Fur Ball at the Canasawacta Country Club in Norwich.  This glitzy affair supports the Chenango County SPCA, located near my school.  I dropped off my Maggie's Farm gift box at the shelter yesterday.  Last year's basket was very well received and raised $180 for the homeless dogs and cats.  I could not find a basket that could hold a candle to the large vintage wicker one I found at The Key in Cazenovia last year.  Instead I used a large hat box with a bed of a pound of my Blood Orange Mother Fiber to nestle all the soap, hand creme, shaving mug and yarn in.    This year I added a heavy linen Yarn Pocket with a ball of Bluefaced Leicester yarn and Mei-Mei needles inside it.  I hope that will tempt someone to take the plunge and put their money down for the shelter.  The challenge of what to wear was solved when I went in The Pink Door thrift run by the Ladies Auxilliary of the Chenango Hospital.  I didn't want to wear the Mother of the Bride gown that Mia bought for me for the third time and my other gowns are about a size 6.  I ventured in the shop and the pink jacketed ladies called out in unison "You have FIVE minutes!"  Low and behold there was a subdued black lace and chiffon short dress that looked like it might fit.  I said how much and they said three dollars....and it fits!  Don't ask me how that happened but it was GREAT.  No long golden swirly satin gown with bejeweled jacket this year and that's okay.  I'm trying to get chores done early but it's just so cold and it's taking a bit out of me.  It was minus 14 F. on this farm this morning and everything is frozen.  All the animals are hungry and thirsty.  They act as if that one meal I'm giving out is the lifeline to another day of surviving this winter.  If I had not paid so much money for the tickets I would be tempted to stay home under the covers in front of the fire... but then I would miss the fabulous food, desserts and music by "Splash," and I want to see how my gift box does at the auction.  I suspect it will be an early back home to the farm for us.

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