Saturday, January 11, 2014

Warmish and Rainy

Everything is relative.  Forty above is a heat wave when you've had twenty below on the farm.  I hope today's rain melts the sheet of ice surrounding my farm.  The garbage truck couldn't get in to empty my dumpster, which is a real problem when you produce as much trash as I do.  I'm out to pick up a student to help me with tidying up the barn, toting wood, etc.  Let's hope this works out.  I'm doing my bit for the kids, in and out of school.  Very excited about the Artsy Party tonight at Kathy Herold's lovely historic Victorian farmhouse in Hamilton.  Kathy's yearly Tamale Party is the high point of my winter.  She heads up the Hamilton Center for the Arts and is an ardent supporter of local artists and crafters.  Will put together a gift box of soap and creme for her today.  Have to bring my knitting so I can sit in Kathy's living room, chat with friends new and old surrounded by plants and paintings, and relax.  Yikes, more rain in the forecast with a flood watch covering a vast area.  Once again, that familiar theme, so thankful to be on high ground.

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