Sunday, January 19, 2014

Miss Piggies

Scarlett and Sue Ellen are growing nicely and enjoying their ample digs in the barn.  Speaking of digs, they have dug themselves large sleeping holes in the dirt for daytime naps, then bed down in the pile of fresh hay for nighty-night.  I mix warm slop for their breakfast and dinner, which they slurp with gusto.  Scarlett is a bit of a bully and likes to tip over Sue Ellen's pan while she is eating.   Most of the time they get along fine.  I would never have a lone pig.  They really need a buddy to play with and sleep with.  The girls have perfected the art of spoon snoozing, laying up against each other for maximum warmth. I love to tiptoe up to their pen and night to see the tips of their piggy ears sticking up out of the hay.

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