Monday, January 06, 2014

Gotta Deal

The weather is wild out there, wind, rain and ice.  Yesterday morning's crystal clear blue skies and puffy white snow is gone.  Brown patches of hillside are showing.  There has got to be flooding down the line.  The animals are safe and dry in my big, strong barn.  How I would love to stay home with my animals in front of the wood stove with my spinning wheel.   Not happening.  In a half hour I'll be piling into the bucket of bolts to venture out into the darkness, over hill and dale, through State forests.  My school is always bright and warm with lots of smiles from friends and colleagues....maybe even a student or two.   As long as I have my job nobody can tell me I can't have my sheep, and that's a big motivating factor, along with health care, food, electric, phone, trash pick-up, propane, telephone, internet, etc.   Better get going...

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