Sunday, December 22, 2013

Warm Solstice

Erratic weather continues with warm temps taking away all the snow and leaving us with very squishy ground.  I am once again giving thanks for living on high ground.  I can't imagine that Sherburne and Sidney are not flooded.  I took advantage of the warm weather to get my milk room hosed out and floor scraped.  Lots of chickens and kitties have been living in there to keep warm.  It's the only heated room outside of the apartment and houses my dye stove, wool washer and water heater.  I'm moving my mama rabbits in there today in hopes of a blessed event in a week or so.  Would love to get some outside lights up today but we'll have to see.  Much house work on deck.  The barn will have to wait until I get back from Maine.   The ducks have been enjoying the return of the green grass and were patrolling the hillside for sightings of the juicy earthworms they love so much.  Most of the ducks have found their way into the barn but a pair of Swedish Blues are still living on the driveway.  I keep them well-fed, a little too well-fed by the looks of the food left on the stoop.  Water is the issue.  Ducks love their water.  If I catch them and bring them inside the ducks who have staked out their territories in the barn might beat them up.  Ducks can be very, very mean to each other and are very clickish.   We've begun the long journey back to the light but we've got some very cold and snowy weather to endure before spring.  Spring for me is the first weekend in May and the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival.  I have a lovely stack of fabric for knitting totes and knitting needle cases.  Right now I'm spinning white angora blended with a little Bluefaced Leicester for Mia's Christmas present.  She wants bunny mittens to wear skiing.  I'm hoping to get enough spun so I can knit on the way to Maine.  I've got too much to do in two days but will put a chink in it.  God willing I'll be under the same roof with all three children for the first time in a year.  AJ is flying in from Nevada and Mia is driving from New Jersey after working all day Christmas Eve at Care Station.  The cold will be back but, hopefully, no storms.  A white Christmas looks doubtful but with loved ones on the road that's okay.  The snow will come soon.

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