Saturday, December 21, 2013

More Cookies

Fawn prepared some extra sugar cookie dough which we used for Friday's afternoon Christmas activity.  We rolled the dough and cut out cookies, baked them, then carried a big tray upstairs along with icing and toppings.  The students designed their own Christmas cookies.  It was fun to see what they came up with.  Alas, they only wanted to take home the cookies they decorated, leaving plenty for me and Fawn to bring home to our families.  I prefer them undecorated, dipped in my very strong coffee.  Oh, life is good.

When the kids went home we were left with a Herculean task of cleaning up from a week of holiday madness combined with a kitchen covered with flour, dough and dirty pans.  I was high on friends coming into my room with cards and gifts.  I had a giant box of gifts prepared, soap and hand creme of course, and gave every one out.  I really needed more to thank the good people I work with every day.  The kids may be challenging but the staff is phenomenally and wonderfully professional and top-notch.

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