Saturday, December 28, 2013

Mia's Mittens

Mia needed a pair of mittens.  She spends a lot of time outdoors, skiiing, hiking, etc.  Store-bought mittens just don't do the trick.  They are frequently made with acrylic fibers, or very pricey high-tech fibers.  Nothing beats natural fiber mittens, knitted by your Mommie, with love in every stitch.  I haven't knitted mittens in a long time and feared I had lost my mojo.  Must have been Annie and Eric's delicious Yule Glug, or the lights from the Christmas tree, or the comfy high back chair by the wood stove, but I got the job done.  Mia was hardly there for 24 hours, but she left with her mittens.  I kept one of her ski caps to knit a cap that matches the mittens.  Caps and mittens are great to have in my farm booth and use small amounts of yarn.  Thank you Mia for getting me in that mind-set and helping me get in the groove.

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