Thursday, December 05, 2013

Indie Garage Sale

Candace Cain invited me to be with her at the Indie Garage Sale held at the Mohawk Valley Community College.  What a talented group of artists were assembled there!  We had a good time and I especially enjoyed having Candace all to myself Saturday and Sunday afternoon.  This talented jewelry artist has family and friends all over this area and I think every one of them stopped by our booth.  I was surprised and a little disappointed at all the knitted items that were made with acrylic yarn.  There were two young women next to us who crocheted all kinds of hats, headbands, bags, etc., with brightly colored acrylic yarn.  I confess I felt vastly superior and snobbish with my basket of homegrown and handspun yarn.  When we struck up a conversation I mentioned the magic words "natural fibers" and some recognition passed over her eyes, but she really had no clue.  I realized what a unique and marvelous artistic genre I revel in on a daily basis and feel so fortunate to have the donors right here on the farm.  I did get some ideas for some totes and clothing I want to design in the future.  I purchased goodies from the Tough Cookie Roller Derby girls and marvelled over the creativity of the Dirty Ass Vegan Soap Company people.  I considered buying organic peanut butter for Luke but decided it might not be as well received as toys.

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