Monday, December 23, 2013

Holiday Musings, In No Particular Order

Looks like Christmas in Georgia out there.  Cool and drizzly.  All the snow is gone and we are left with some very squishy ground on top of all this lovely shale that is my hillside.  A little smoldering fire in the wood stove makes all the difference.  A large cup of foamy cappucino made from the Multatelli beans Kimmie Cornerstone faithfully brings me from Canada, combined with the Chenango County Fojo Beans gifted me by Sharon at school, with some fresh squeezed grapefruit juice courtesy of the Conservation boys, is helping to get all things in focus. The mug I drink from every day is made by my dear friend Susanne Farrington of Hamilton, who keeps me stocked in her sturdy and artfully constructed creations.  I'm staving off the Christmas anxiety with some perusing of  two of my favorite magazines, both from Britain, Selvedge and British Country Living.  The Brits do put together some fantastic print media, only surpassed by my beloved Wild Fibers Magazine.  I have too much to do and am giving myself until 8:30 to savor the morning.  The bunny moms are in the milk room where they will be safe from the diving temps predicted for tomorrow night.  Loren Wildenstein, former student, is on duty while I'm away.  I'll tidy up a bit and do some wrapping of gifts.  No holiday paper on board but a big stack of NY Times and some exquisite green, gold and red ribbons.  The juxtaposition of glitz and frugality will be interesting.  I'll get done what I can and put the rest of the worries to rest.  By the grace of God this wild, erratic weather will hold off so we can all be together in Maine for Christmas.  AJ is flying in from Nevada on Christmas night after officiating at services at Grace Episcopal in Las Vegas.  Mia is working Christmas Eve at Care Station and will drive to Maine after work, weather permitting.  Eric has made such a nice life for himself heading up the Pine Tree Council in Portland.  He has dozens of minions to manage and a giant camp that I think is really his own personal Disneyland.  He's earned it.   I'm bringing a turkey that I'll have to roast in the milk room in my dye stove (I've only used the top burners for dye) as the mice have chewed the wires on my kitchen oven and it is dead.  Speaking of mice, I found a nest of sweet little newborn mice inside an oven mitt on my kitchen counter.  I kept wondering where the squeaking was coming from.  The little beasties are very annoying but the babies are oh, so cute.  Put them in a safe place.  Everybody in the barn is pretty good except for a duck that Cooper was "playing" with after he slipped out the door.  I have her in a crate getting special TLC.    Miss Fancy is a terrible milker and still resists giving up her gifts.  Apples don't seem to help.  I only get a cupful every night but save every drop for soap making.  The piggies, Scarlet and Sue Ellen are growing every day.  They eat and sleep, eat and sleep, punctuated by running up and down their run, grunting and greeting the sheep and goats on the other side of the stanchions. I know they are waiting for me out there now.  Better get out there and mix that warm slop.  Happy Holidays everyone.  May 2014 bring you warm fires and full larders.

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