Saturday, November 23, 2013

Oh, Yes...

The end of a very trying week, but I'm set on leaving school at school and not going on about it.   Very much looking forward to seeing Eric, Annie, Hannah, Luke and Captain AJ in Maine for Thanksgiving.  A snow storm coming up the coast might make travelling a bit precarious but with new tires on the truck we are going to give it a go.  Would very much like to get this place in ship-shape before then but that is a lot to ask.   Two more shows coming up in quick succession and I'm hustling to get ready.  We are feeding hay every day now and the sheep love it.  I still let them out for exercise but with 5 - 10 expected tomorrow night they might be spending more time in the barn.  I'm watching the big pine tree swaying wildly in the wind.  It's cold out there.  Will be putting the bunnies in the milk room with a heater for the winter.  No frozen bottles this year.  Not as much to entertain them as the big barn but very cozy.  I'm not quite used to getting suited up to go out on the hillside or do chores every night, but here we are.  Picked up another wool sweater and silk turtleneck for barn work at The Pink Door in Norwich, a very cool little hospital sponsored thrift shop.  The ladies in the pink volunteer jackets are as ancient as can be, and go around the shop with walkers.  There are occasionally some very classy brand name clothing there, and I've found a Harris Tweed or two.   I clinched another two pairs of Danskos on Ebay, a coup considering shoes must be a very hot item for online sales.  I've lost a dozen or so by a dollar more bid at the last minute.  I'm on my feet all-day-long and good shoes are a must.  When these two shows are over I'll be able to concentrate on fiber and sewing, my first loves.  Two weeks off at Christmas with another trip to Maine to see the kiddos.  So much to look forward to.  The tractor is humming in the driveway with the blade on for snow plowing.  The wood room, formerly silo room, is half full.  The hay mow is loaded.  Wish I could say I'm ready for winter, but commuting 50 miles a day on treacherous roads is something I'll never really be ready for.  Would love to stay home with the sheep.  Someday...

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