Sunday, November 03, 2013

Morning Musings

On Sunday mornings I like to worship at the Church of the Universal Shepherd.  I don't think my son the Episcopal priest, Father Aaron, approves of this practice but he loves me anyway.  After rushing around six days a week I just have to stay home - at least for the morning.  I do like the Sunday paper but that requires driving to one of three places that carry it and they are all at least ten miles away.  Living in Paradise has it's challenges.  The last market day was lovely.  Most vendors came late, as we did, and we had a good representation of local food and crafts.  Sharon, Captain of the Mother Ship (Special Ed. Secretary), came to visit me with her yoga friend, Denise.  Sharon loves animals and saves all her veggie scraps for my critters.  My darling Robin came to visit with her daughter, Miss Firecracker, and pick up those buttery delicious cookies made by the girls from Hubbardsville.  I picked up more beeswax candles, local Gouda and local meadow butter.  My earnings went right to Tractor Supply and Price Chopper giving me the satisfaction of feeding the human and animal entities on the farm for a week with my farm products.   Hard work pays off.  I was feeling pretty good yesterday, after burning the inner candle to get creme made Friday night.  The Boys in Brown delivered the goods on Friday afternoon and I had people coming to the market for hand creme.  Sitting outside in the fresh air with no kids around, combined with chatting with my market friends and visitors, did me good.  This was the best market summer I've had since starting at Hamilton six years ago when my colleagues Gretchen and Laurie told me about it.  More tourists?  Better products?  I can't say I've done anything differently, but it's been busier.  With so much work to set up and take down, it helps.  Back home on the farm around 4 and I can't say I got much done last night besides chores and dinner.  Sunday is a day for the farm and that's a good thing.  The egg nog and rum I had to celebrate the time change did not sit well.  Will stick to good whiskey from now on.  Poured the evil Bacardi down the drain.  Spousal unit has been dry for 15 years and never joins me but that's okay.  I will put scissor to fabric today at some point.  I have five totes remaining and soap is dwindling.  Two shows are coming up within a month so I can't slow down.  Very excited about seeing Hannah and Luke on Thanksgiving, that is, if I can find a reliable farm sitter...but first....I found enough eggs to make an omelette and that will be perfectly lovely.  Wood stove is humming after only two stokings through the night.  24 F. outside.  I guess the night crawlers I was stepping on last night when we walked up the hill have gone underground.  Fine with me.

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