Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Starry Night

Took the doggies out for a nighty night pee and looked at the stars for a while.  A new crescent moon is hanging in the darkness.  It's very very dark but I could see the white ducks bedded down in the barnyard, not too far from the barn door.  I'm glad Thor, Finn and Knut are out there with them.  We lost an old goat the other day and put him up on the dead pile high on the ridge.  I found him when I was walking with the dogs after school today.  Just a clean skull and a bit of hide left.  The coyotes pulled him down into the field and made short work of him.  I don't mind - I love wild animals.   Someday there won't be any wild animals left.  As long as I have The White Boys to protect my sheep and goats we'll be okay.   I'm sewing in earnest at night now.  Too many days have gone by with no sewing after I come in from chores and I'm behind.  I remember when I was sewing in the hay mow, the first winter I lived here, with the camper too cramped to set up.  I put my sewing machine in the hay mow, with a single pole lamp next to it.   A wall of blackness surrounded me which was a bit creepy so I focused on the sewing.  I was very, very focused in those days.  Not that I've lost my focus, but I get a little more tired these days.  Not giving up, but slowing down.  I guess it had to happen sometime.  I had a nice conversation with Father Aaron.  His Army drill was cancelled due to the budget issues but he's busy with the church.  He presided over a Blessing of the Animals at Grace Church on Sunday and had a wonderful time.   I'll have to ask him to bless my animals when he comes East.

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