Tuesday, October 01, 2013

October 1

Much love at school. My desk was covered with chocolate and coffee in gift bags.  Gretchen baked me a tray of German Chocolate cupcakes.  It was hard to fight off the students so I could bring two of them home.  Mia had a German Chocolate cake delivered to school!  It was delicious.  I can't believe she found an outfit to do it.  I took a long walk with the doggies after work up to the tippy top, then back down following the ridge line along the back of my farm.  Apples are everywhere and the colors are so lovely.  I made spaghetti sauce and angel hair pasta for dinner.  Matt held a kid goat so I could shear her and got almost three pounds of lovely fawn mohair.  Luke called and told me his daddy was laid out on the sofa with a bad bout of gout and couldn't get the birthday card in the mail.  Hannah says her mommy won't let her come to Rhinebeck because she didn't want her to miss any school.  Bad news.  She's such a wonderful "Booth Babe," showing folks how to needle felt and helping Omi.  Lovely weather continues.  Tomorrow is another day.

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday! I hope that your week has continued with such beautiful sights on your farm.


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