Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Julia and Sally

I was thrilled to have a visit from my New Orleans friend, Sally Newhart.  I met Sally when she was helping her friend, Julia Hildbrandt, at Julia's booth in Maryland at Sheep and Wool last May.  Sally offered to send me scraps from her upscale slipcover business.  What a lucky break for me.  Sally gets some incredibly beautiful fabric to work with as she beautifies the homes of New Orleans glitterati.  All she asks in return is a little soap and hand creme.  I am happy to oblige.  Sally is also a published author.  She wrote a history book called The Tuxedo Jazz Band.   Sally reminds me so much of Joni Mitchell.  We are the same age and have many of the same interests.  I might visit her in New Orleans one of these days.  Julia designs and creates some sleek totes made with industrial felt.  Last May I bartered my goods for a Julia tote for Mia.  Julia lives in Rhinebeck, just two blocks away from the Dutchess County Fairgrounds.  Imagine that.  

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