Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hallow's Eve

Lots of fun in school today.  I had great fun driving down the road in my Viking helmet, once I figured out how to angle myself into the truck.  Got to New Berlin by 8 and picked up the load of root beer, vanilla ice cream, marshmallows, rice krispies, butter, pans, paddles, milk, etc. for our Halloween party.  Fawn and I had the root beer float, krispy treat stop on the rotating party circuit in our wing.  I felt good in my Viking costume but instead of recognizing me as Boudicea the Celtic Warrior Queen my college-educated colleagues kept singing Wagner opera whenever they saw me.  We did a skull painting tutorial and had trick or treat visitors from the kiddie wing - a real treat for me as we are kidless on Halloween out here in the wild.  I miss kids so much I think about adopting a couple but they would surely accuse me of using them as slave labor on the farm.  Well, it is a farm.   It was raining by the time I got home and hasn't stopped.  The sheep are not happy and won't go out to graze.  Left the gate open.  They like to go up to the tippy top where there is more grass to eat but last night did not come down.  Spousal unit made serious points when he took my 4WD truck up there this morning to chase them back down and lock them up so we could go to work.  Trouble is a little band of goaties was hiding in the woods and decided to go across the street to graze while I was gone.  The grass is always greener...They saw me pull in and were back at the barnyard gate before I could get changed to go and fetch them.  Smart goaties.  They made points, too.  The ducks are loving this rain.  It's so warm I had to take off my jacket in the barn.  The fleas and flies will come back along with the big, fat earthworms that come out at night and offer themselves up for duckie treats.  All this will be over once the snows come, which could be any time, but not soon as it will be in the sixties next week.  Considering it was 12F on the farm a couple of mornings ago, well, this is weird.  Bed soon for me.  Too much sugar today.  Didn't see or feel any spirits in the barn tonight.  I know they are there (just ask Kim and Daryl) but don't think I am worth approaching.  Perhaps they just watch and enjoy.  Thor kept making little growls and I thought he must know something I don't know, but it was Finn creeping around outside.  I climbed the ladder to feed the hay mow kitties very quickly, and got myself back down real fast.  Very spooky up farm is one of the oldest in Brookfield, started by Elisha Burdick, one of the founding citizens here.   His wife, Lydia, is still spirit that is.  I am never alone.

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