Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Daryl and Kim

Kim and Daryl Parkinson met me at my NY Sheep and Wool booth and helped me through the weekend.  They are amazingly wonderful friends.  Daryl ran all my electric and they both helped me haul in a TON of product.  My raw fleeces looked great in the booth.  I was thrilled to sell four raw, unskirted Bluefaced Leicester black fleeces.  I was very surprised when the weekend was over and only one kid mohair was sold.  There are never many mohair fleeces available at wool shows and these were scrumptious.  I'm happy to have them back on the farm where I will pop them in the dye pot.


  1. Hi Maggie,

    Have been waiting for your posts on Rhinebeck.Always love hearing from your viewpoint.

    I had hoped to make it this year but was re-structured out of a job! : (

    But if you still want to sell some of the kid mohair, I will be happy to buy some.


  2. Hi Maggie,

    Sounds like Rhinebeck was fun and always love hearing what it is like from the other side.

    I had hoped to go this year but my former job didn't help me so much.

    Anyway, if you are interested in selling one of the mohair fleeces I am interested in buying one.



Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!