Sunday, October 27, 2013


I've been depriving myself of sleep for so many years it's impossible to sleep in when I want to.  My internal alarm clock goes off and here we are.  Was hoping to get some serious zzzzz's going this morning but no good.  Awake at 4 thirty.  Being twisted like a pretzel due to dog encroachment doesn't help.  So many things going on, so much to think about.  I just re-upped for NY Sheep and Wool, where I had so much fun last weekend.  Seems like a dream now.  Two more little shows this fall then the long push to Maryland Sheep and Wool in the spring.  I feel so fortunate to have these two shows on my calendar.  That's where I rub elbows with people who understand what I do.  I will spin wool all winter, sew knitting totes all winter, pick fleeces all winter, and look forward to the first weekend in May. I have the tools necessary to keep the farm going - my beautiful animals who produce wool, mohair and angora, my spinning wheel and my sewing machine.   I have this roof over my head and a wood stove to keep us warm.  I have my job, which is much better with the new principal who is truly a teacher's principal, and, after seven years,  I'm not likely to be laid off.  "As long as I have my job nobody can tell me I can't have my sheep," I've said way too often.  Matt's weatherization non-profit group has been cut back to the extent that he's taken a pay cut and will work only four days a week.  There will be a lot of cold people in upstate New York this winter.  That's alright - I have plenty of work for him to do around here!  As long as I stay healthy everything will work out, which is a bit scary if I think about it too much.  So many living entities depending on my well-being.  Best not to think about it too much.   I'd like to buy another vehicle so the bucket of bolts can be used as a farm truck or back up vehicle.  I'm looking at another front wheel drive mini-van which can fit my farm booth or sheep inside.  Loved my old Caravan, which was ugly as sin but very road worthy.  Never slid once in that van.  A former student who is a good mechanic has it now.   I'm still not unpacked from last weekend.  The batik note cards I bought from the incredibly talented batik artist booth neighbor are still in the truck.  Oh, that reminds me to order note card inserts.  I've had enough inquiries about my own farm photo note cards being absent from my shop that I think I will get some more going.  I still want to have Maggie's Farm calendars printed for next year.  Maybe I will have them printed so they go from May to May and present them at Maryland in the spring?  They will feature all the ribbon winning sheep photos I have.  We'll see.

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