Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dyeing Again

The glorious weather continues.  Temps in the seventies next week.  I've got to get my last licks in with fiber drying outside.  It is just so much easier to carry it outside and plop the wet fiber out on the rack under God's good sunshine and gentle breezes.  I purchased this alpaca from a school bus driver named Mark at the Fingerlakes Fiber Festival.  The fawn colored fiber was a really good price and just so pretty.  I intended to card it with angora for more hand warmers (I love the pair Kim made me last year) but the jar of Chartreuse Dharma Dye was calling to me.  The result is a very warm deep lime-ish green.  I love it.  I've got two runs in the works but am seriously considering having Heather at Dreamweaver spin it into yarn for me.  I've got too much wool to spin myself and there is a market for commercial yarn.  I've had a bit spun in the past and it sold alright, but never really excited me.  There is nothing like handspun yarn.  It feels different and has so much character.  I can still spin my own fibers and get some spun by machine locally without sacrificing my principles of homegrown fiber from happy animals who are not raised for meat.  We'll see how this works out. 

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