Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday Morning Musings

Glorious weather continues.  I have a turquoise Merino felting batt cooled down in the dye pots, with two bags of wet wool to set out on the drying rack.  I could use two large drying racks right now.  It is infinitely easier to dry wool in the summer than inside in the winter.   I will get as much done as I can.  Am planning on putting out many raw fleeces this year.  Customers love the brightly colored wool.  Pink Orchid is coming up.  That should be eye catching.  I have enough wool dye to last for a couple of years.

Mama Duck brought her brood inside the barn during goat feeding time, causing much panic on my part.  I gathered up the ducklings in a bucket lest they be trampled by the wild hoard.  There are eight babies, down from nine.  I knew nature would take it's course and reduce the numbers.  I adore those little duckies.  If only I could get a duck tractor built - a portable pen with a little house attached that I could push around the pasture.   Mama keeps the babies in the upper hay mow between the round bales at night.  She parades them around the fields during the day.  The posse, her three Pekin friends, are not as protective as the Swedish Blues on the south side of the barn.  I can't follow them around.  I know they would not be happy penned up but I am considering it...

Much wool work going on today.  The weather report looks good this coming week so I might get some drying done.  Would like to get some wool out to the carding mill before we leave for Maine on Saturday.  The Parkinsons are coming to take care of the farm.  Not too many people are willing/able to take on this wild wacky farm for five days.  They are brave, courageous (except when it comes to my ghost, Lydia, who contacted them when they were farm sitting a while back - you should have seen Daryl's face when I got home) and love all things farm.  We will be visiting Eric and family.  A motorcycle trip to Boothbay Harbor for whale watching is planned, weather permitting.  Very anxious to see the kids again.  They are winding up their Scout camping and getting ready for school to start.   Oh, yes, school starting.   Ouch.  How do I explain that to the doggies?

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