Tuesday, August 13, 2013


No wool drying outside today.  Woke up to pouring rain and I don't see the clouds parting.  Was hoping to get a package out to the carding mill this week.  I'm working on a big batch of black mohair blended with brightly colored wool.  Love the way mohair adds luster and slip to the roving. 
I dyed this Border Leicester wool with Dharma's Pink Orchid.  I can't see much difference between Jacquard Deep Magenta and this dye.  I'm very happy with the Dharma dyes out of California.  I have way too much fiber to use naturals dyes.  I would need truck loads of leaves, roots and berries.  I might use some of the poke weed berries once they come out, if the birds leave some for me.

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