Friday, August 16, 2013

Kitty Stew Recipe or Severe Seperation Anxiety

Kimmie Cornerstone will be mixing the kitty stew for a couple of days while I'm away on a very short, quick vacation.  Gone are the days when I go on a real vacation.  The last one was 14 years ago but that was B.S.  Before Sheep.  Eric and Annie invited us to visit them in Maine and go whale watching.  Yes, "whale" was all it took.  We'll be motoring from Portland to Booth Bay in Eric's Ural motorcycle. I saw "in" because I won't be "on" the bike.  I'll be riding in the side car, nice and cozy, with a blanket and my knitting.  Won't that be just duckie.  In the meantime, here is my Kitty Stew Recipe for Kimmie Cornerstone and Crew.

 Half fill three little red buckets half full of dry dog kibble.
Fill the rest up with warm water.
Feed/water the chickens and collect their eggs.
Bring buckets and eggs to the big table inside the barn.
Divide eggs among the three buckets, throw shells on the floor for chickens and ducks to eat.
Open and dump a can of Friskies in each bucket.  Roll up sleeves and mix up eggs, kibble and cat food, squeezing it between your fingers to really mix it up.  If too squeamish use a red scoop.
Pour half of one bucket in the big metal dish for the cats.   Divide half of another bucket among Thor, Finn and Knut's dishes.  As you carry out the dog dinners one at a time, add a can of cat food to each one.  Watch out for hungry attack kitties while you do this.
Climb ladder to hay mow with half to 2/3 bucket of stew.  Pour into dishes at top of ladder.  Helps to have someone hand the bucket up to you.
Pour contents of another bucket into dish on top of the armoire in the barn and in the dish on the front porch.
Dry food is for snacking in between time, but you have to guard it from the marauding attach chickens.
Fill the milk room kitties' dishes with dry food and put some on the milk room steps, but throw corn out for the ducks and chickens on the driveway or they will steal the cat food on the steps.  Same for mixing the kitty stew.  Give the goats their corn in the cow stanchion bowls or they will jump on the table while you are mixing the kitty stew.  Sprinkle some on the floor for the chickens, too.
Don't forget the dog bowls in the kitchen and the water/food bowl in the former Kitty City.  The mik room is now Kitty City.
The sheep are easy this time of year.  They have a lot of grass to eat.  Fill their water buckets inside the barn with the green hose.   Thor's bucket is inside the barn.  Finn and Knut have water buckets by their igloos.
OH, and two cats, Lizzie and Portia (all white) get a can of Friskies in the bathroom every morning.  Portia was out for a few days and came back not feeling well.  I'm trying to get her back on her paws.

Yes, this is complicated, but you can do it.  Call with any questions.  Thanks a million, Kim and Darryl!

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