Monday, August 26, 2013

Hay Feeders

Anyone who knows me knows I've been suffering from hay feeder angst for many years.  My dear friends Daryl and Kim moved in with their kids for four days so we could have a much needed long weekend in Maine with our family.  I didn't ask them to do anything because taking care of all these animals is a lot of work in itself.  I kinda knew they would be doing something because they like to keep busy, and they love everything to do with farming.  Daryl and Kim live in the town of Kingston, Ontario, but Daryl grew up farming in the western provinces.  Well, I was happily surprised to find a very sturdy pair of hay feeders standing in the barn.  Daryl only had two days here as he had to go back to work on Monday.  He must have really hustled to get them together.  The sheep are standing around them in circles waiting for them to magically fill up with hay.  The baby goats think they are playground equipment built just for them.  Matt Redmond only said humpf....maybe you should marry Daryl.  I said I would but he is young enough to be my son, and he is already taken (by my good friend Kim).  There is also a conspicuous absence of roosters in the barn.  A few outliers escaped the clutches of the neck wringer Daryl and they are sticking to the barnyard, far away from the scene of the massacre.  Thank you, Daryl and Kim, for everything you do for me. 

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