Thursday, August 29, 2013

Cutting Out

I've been cutting out Bundaflicka Knitting Totes with reckless abandon.  Give me a stack of beautiful fabric, a pair of scissors and a clean table (a rarity around here) and I will let loose.  I muse about things people say when they are looking at my bags.  Some that come to mind are:

Do you ever make any bigger bags?
Do you ever make any smaller bags?
Can you make them more east-west than north-east?
You could get more money for these bags in New York City.
Can you put a zipper in your bags?
I adore your bags - I'm on number ---.
Can you change this button?
What is this loop for? (It's a drop spindle holder for spinners.)
Where do you get your fabric?
How long does it take you to make a bag?

I am trying to cut out smaller bags, but it's a struggle.  I am a big strong girl and need a large tote.  My lifestyle requires one, with teaching and crafting.  Sometimes I look at a big bag on a small woman and I think ouch.  Mia has a tiny friend who I'm making a tiny tote for.  Truth be told, big totes are easier to sew, even though they require more sewing and flipping around on the machine.  Little totes are hard to get under the needle.  I adore little bags, don't get me wrong.  I had a pretty little cloth bag years ago, made by Carpetbaggers of America I think - a blue brocade with a flap that had ruffles around it.  I carried it to the prom and the one and only time I was a bridesmaid, at Mimi Thomeir's wedding to Stephen Allshouse in Hillsborough, New Jersey.  Wish I knew what happened to that bag.  I moved around so much it could be anywhere.  I think I'll try to duplicate it, just because.

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