Friday, July 26, 2013

Splendor in the Grass

I made another batch of Diana Rose Soap this morning.  Couldn't help myself.  All the pots were out, the Pyrex bowls for diluting the silk fibers in the lye were looking at me, and I had all the ingredients.  I had purchased five pounds of the lovely fragrance from Brambleberry, and it was a fait accompli.  Last night's pot had rose soap stuck to the sides of it, so I soaked it in the bath tub.  I put a plug in the drain and, when it was dissolved, took a bath in it.  What luxury!  I'm sure I reek of it.  When climbing out I was reminded of the handicap bar that spouse has been promising to put on the wall by the tub.  It would have been handy as the tub was covered with soap slime.  Promises, promises.  I adore my huge claw foot tub and am still taking my daily soaks to commerate the year I spent living in a camper with only an intermittently working shower with piece of plastic under it in the corner.  I got a teaching job right away, and had to dress for work every day.   When my little shower froze up - I couldn't get the camper over 40 F. even with two space heaters going - I began sneaking sink baths in the bathroom at the end of the hall in school.  The principal, classy lady, found out about it and offered me the cosmetology shower.  I was horribly embarrassed at the time but I laugh about it now. Spouse is thinking about building an outdoor shower as company never wants to take a bath in my tub.  Maybe they think it is violating my space.  I can make Hannah and Luke take a bath, but not grownups.  Their loss, especially with a bar piled high with my soaps across the top.  I took the doggies on a hike up to the tippy top on the ridge where my dead pile is.  I need bones for the dogs to make them stop chewing on my stuff.  Fortunately the coyotes left some lovely, dry white femurs, skulls and jaw bones for us.  I sat down to take in the view and the sky dotted with puffy white clouds.  What heaven.  Positively intoxicating.  A green glow is starting to cover the hillside where we just cut - maybe we will get more hay this year, with the lower hillside still lush with grass.  As we were moving slowly down the steep hill, with my shirt carrying the load of bones, and less tension on his spikey choke collar, Cooper dipped his head just right and slipped his lead.  Naughty boy.  I know he won't run away as he knows this is his home, but he will run all over the place annoying chickens and disturbing my zen-like state.  We go on daily hikes, sometimes three times a day. Good for the dogs and good for me.  I often stand all day teaching art and I need to keep up my strength.  The new principal, sweet guy who is very supportive, wants me to teach home economics along with pottery in addition to art.  He gave me back my old GED room, which has a brand new kiln never used.  I am already apprehensive about it, but I'll make it work somehow.  I remember standing at the stove with a 15 year old student, teaching him how to crack an egg over a frying pan.  He was thrilled and I found it very gratifying.  The pottery will be more challenging, but I will start with hand built things first.  We don't have a wheel yet.  A little lunch now, a barn check, and Shepherd's Creme this afternoon, along with some sewing on custom orders.  I always have something wonderful to do.

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