Thursday, July 11, 2013


Much less humid and rather pleasant today.  Still strange weather with gray clouds dotting the blue sky, but we'll take it.  Much going back and forth about making hay.  Julia and I speaking daily on the phone about what day might be the best, who is available to work, etc.  Matt went to her farm last night after getting home from Syracuse and fixed her broken hay rake.  After grass is mowed it has to be fluffed and raked into rows for baling.  Tough to do that with no rake.  Many complications including a son who works nights at the Chobani factory, a hired man who is scheduled to work at the Madison County Fair Demolition Derby this weekend.  The derby is a very big deal around here.  We are hoping to cut hay tomorrow and bale on Monday.  If it gets rained on I will ask her to wrap it as baleage.  That will present me with feeding challenges but hey, I will deal with it like everything else.  I want to get this waist-high grass cut.    The second cut is growing up through the first cut.  I need to know I have something to feed my sheep this winter.  Who knows, if it keeps raining there might be a second cut.  The sheep are FAT on all this clover and grass on the lower hillside.  This time last year it was dry as dust and they were wandering uphill looking for food.  Annie and Hannah coming tomorrow.  I'm working on Annie's bag made of lovely black fabric from the famous Marsden's in Portland.  She generously bought enough for me to make her a big tote and another smaller one to take to the farmer's market.  Lukie will be glad to see his mommy.  The farm is a wondrous place for a boy but Luke is a family man and misses his people.  I wonder if they can pass his little white goat off as a dog in the fancy development they live in.  Comet would get fat on the golf course they call a lawn and Annie would have less mowing to do. 

1 comment:

  1. Linda in Waterloo10:56 PM

    You are lucky to have such a capable helper on the farm.


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