Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cloudy and Cool

Woke up to a dark, cloudy sky and cool temps.  Perfect for walking the doggies up the hill. Had to do it twice before poor Cooper could do his business.  He spent too long in a crate before he came to me and has a hard time letting go.  We are making strides with his house training.  He runs to the door and tells me it's time.  Luckily I'm home on the farm to help out.  Sewing for me again today.  I'm on a roll and enjoying it.  Good way to watch the Royal Baby news.  I guess I'm more of an anglophile than I realized.  Maybe I'm deriving vicarious pleasure from their fairytale lives.  If only Diana had it so good with Charles.  William and Kate have everything she wanted but couldn't have with that dud.  It's all about finding the right mate.  I have so much to do and feel like I'm running out of time.  Should be making soap but have to make a run to the homesteading store in Norwich for lye.  Haven't started the truck in three days and don't want to, but need creme labels from Hayes Office too.  Looks like a fait accompli.  I have everything to make creme but the kitchen is a mess after me being home alone and sewing all the time.  Nothing is 100 percent.  Rained yet again on the  40 acres of hay across the road.  It's not my hay but I can't help but feel for them.  Don't know who the people gave the grass to, but they used a whole lot of diesel to cut and rake it.  Now it's plastered to the ground after being rained on three times.  The weather here is very tricky.  The report can say clear and the water is coming down - like today.   Rips your guts out.   I'm hoping the hay in my barn is dry enough.  Looks like I might be getting a second cut, if I can keep the sheep off it.  The grass down below is still lush and green.  Fingers crossed.  Farming is a series of heart breaks punctuated by some sublime satisfaction once in a while in between.

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