Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Random Thoughts

No quid pro quo.  Putin won't hand over Snowden.  Kerry says we've given him seven people he's wanted extradited recently.  Does not make Obama look good, but I don't think Putin, or Snowden, cares about that.  I'm all in favor of someone taking on the government on behalf of the people, but when Snowden flies to China, than Russia, with lap-tops full of US secrets, well, that's not cool.

I got the ping!  My refrigerator needed cleaning big time.  Couldn't mash a gallon of milk in there no how.  I peaked in and found many jars opened jars of Pace salsa, several jars of pickles made by the Sisters next door dated 2008, and a few bowls covered with plastic wrap. Whatever was in there surely was no longer palatable.  I bit the bullet today and went to work.  Lo and behold there was the rhubarb I've been collecting from the old lady's driveway kiosk in Norwich...and the lovely strawberries I bought from the Amish neighbors several days ago.  Both looked pretty good so I decided to get the jam pots going.  I always pick the hottest days to do this it seems, but summertime is when the fruit comes.  Lord help me when blueberries appear at the Hamilton market.  Much chopping, stirring and boiling later and I have several big jars of fabulous strawberry/rhubarb jam.  The color is gorgeous, the consistency perfect for pouring over ice cream, and the taste perfect.  The strawberries do overwhelm the rhubarb just a little.  With Annie bringing Luke tomorrow I wanted some rhubarb to take home to my Scandie son, Eric.   I sent him some pure rhubarb jam  last month and he loved it.  With so much tasting of sweet jam I had to lie down - after the refrigerator was clean that is.  Oh, my chickens were having a party with all those leftovers.  With Ron, my veggie neighbor at the market not coming any more, I don't know where I'll get the giant cabbages the chickens loved so much. I finished the fridge, well, as much as I was willing to do, and had a little nap with the doggies.  They are so used to me being gone all day, and love it when I stretch out with them.

Off to pick up the old truck which left me in the lurch yesterday when I was attempting to see Nurse Tanya and get blood work done.  Here I was trying to get myself taken care of, a rare occurence, and the bucket of bolts wouldn't start.  Ofcourse it started for spouse who managed to get it to the mechanic.  I hate the thing, but it holds six hay bales in the back, and two or three sheep if necessary.  It got me through the school year and will have to keep going a little while longer.  The hunt is on for a fuel efficient vehicle, maybe one that does not carry sheep.

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