Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Hannah

Hannah is my only granddaughter, so she has special status to begin wtih.  Here are some thoughts about Hannah, in no particular order, on her 15th birthday.

Hannah is beautiful, on the inside and outside.
Hannah is tall, a trait
    which is increasingly rare in our family, and very much admired.
Hannah is talented in many ways.
Hannah can spin yarn like she's been doing it for years and years.
Hannah can write.  She was published at the tender age of 14.
Hannah is physical.  She can get on a horse or a motorcycle and ride it with no fear.
Hannah can fly an airplane and shoot guns.
Hannah has fashion sense.   She puts together interesting, attractive, artsy outfits.
Hannah is kind and sweet.  She hardly ever raises her voice.  She doesn't need to.  She says it all with her
     large, expressive eyes.
Hannah loves animals, especially cats.  She is very sensitive to their needs.
Hannah loves her family.  She is Daddy's little girl, and Mommy's too.
Hannah is a loving, protective big sister.
Hannah is focused academically.  She will be successful at whatever she chooses to do.

I could go on and on.  I love Hannah.  She is blossoming into a lovely, beautiful young woman.  I hope to always be her friend.

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