Saturday, June 29, 2013


Woke up at 6 and went out on the hillside.  Sheep are grazing already.  They like this routine - gate open to come out, graze, then go back in the barn whenever they like.  A week ago they were being kept in the barnyard while I was at work.  With all this blasted rain and the grass growing like crazy the sheep are getting fat on clover and the other juicy greens.  I had to make the call.  Should I wake up Lukie and load the truck for the market?   It's miserable to set up and get rained on, aside from the dampness my wool and textiles soak up.  I decided to let Lukie sleep, and took care of the morning barn chores.  Back inside for coffee, my spinning wheel and some absolutely mouth watering quiche made last night.  Matt is going to the Jersey Shore for a Newark grade school reunion and is taking two quiches.  I mix a bowl of my eggs with sauteed onions in butter, spinach, gouda cheese and lots of salt and pepper.   A dash of nutmeg adds a nice twinge of flavor.   Pour the mixture in a frozen crust and there we are.   Luke has blueberry muffins and a French baguette from Panera for breakfast.  I'll eat more quiche, drink coffee and stay in my jammies for a while.  I will sew a couple of bags today, to make up for sales lost with no market.  A day on the farm is never a lost day.  We have two baby ducks and a little chick under lights to play with.  Luke and his baby goat are bonded now.  Luke gives Comet his bottles and the little guy follows him everywhere.  So adorable to watch.  I'm holding on to every moment...and, a delightful bonus, Luke loves to cook!  Pinch me now!

1 comment:

  1. Try and get a pix of Luke and his goat buddie. Then get L to take several pix of you and new socks.


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