Friday, May 10, 2013


It's always bittersweet to pack up and head for home after a fabulous festival weekend.  Annie kept track of all my sales, Kim, Hannah and Mia worked the booth, and I was able to spin and chat with old friends.  As we were travelling home the phone rang.  It was Matt telling me that "an old sheep had twin lambs!"  I thought he was mistaking goats for sheep, but no, it was the truth.  An aged ewe, probably ten years old, gave birth to two beautiful and healthy black lambs - one of each.  I couldn't wait to get home and check out my new darlings.  I named them Cinco and Maya, as they were born on the Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo, the fifth of May.  I have them both on supplemental bottles, as mom only has one teat and you have to really be careful with older ewes not having enough milk.  I adore my babies.  I'm still wondering how it happened, as my only intact ram, Zack, was secured in the back pen.  I've heard of ewes putting their rear ends up against a gate and the ram jumping up enough to do the job.  I think that might have happened to me.  I'm grateful Matt was there to bring them in the barn and get them situated with clip-dip-and strip.  When I got home in the wee hours I was able to sit and cuddle with them a while before I turned in.  Four hours later I had to show up at work, ready for duty.  The good show and new lambs really put a spring in my step.


  1. Congrats...what lovely lambs :-)

  2. I just love that you have passed on your love of fiber to your granddaughter. Her needle felted hat deserved a blue ribbon. And a new spinner in her generation. Great!


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