Friday, May 10, 2013

Doctors and Lawyers

I made two gorgeous messenger totes at the last minute before Maryland Sheep and Wool.  I have a funny habit of doing that - I try to squeeze out one more daring myself to get it done before I pull out of the barnyard.  I had this beautiful office furniture upholstery fabric found for me by my personal shopper, Carol of Crayonbox Designs near Ithaca.  Sure enough, along comes my Doctor friend, the anaesthesiologist who loves my totes.  She keeps all the toys and gadgets she needs to get her through long surgeries in my bags.  What an honor that is!   She scooped up one of the last-minute-totes, number 5 Bundaflicka for her.  Later on, my long-time friend, fiber artist and quilter,

 Carolyn D'Agostino, marital attorney from Troy and owner of one of the very-first-Bundaflicka totes, came to visit and purchased the other one!  I was really thrilled to have my bags go to such classy professional ladies.

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